Pre-school Topics, Block 6, Week 56: We can use our imagination and a camera to photograph artistic pictures

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Artistic Expression

Week 56
We can use our imagination and a camera to photograph artistic pictures

Artistic expression is the use of the imagination in the production of objects intended to be thought of or appreciated as beautiful, as in the arrangement of color, forms, sounds, or words. Only man was created by God with the ability to imagine and then express his thoughts in various creative ways. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the ways that we can express ourselves artistically. (Drawing, painting, music, sewing, etc.) Artistic expression is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.

On the other hand, animals are not capable of imagining or creating based on forethought. It is possible to get some animals to make a picture, but only after they have been trained to make certain strokes using certain colors. Any form of art is not inherent in the animal kingdom. You do not see them creating art in their own environment.

Point to emphasize
We can use a camera to take photographs that are interesting and creative.

Sample content and conversation with children

  • Today we are going to talk about how we can create art with photography.
  • We have been created so that we can admire and appreciate things around us. This includes God’s beautiful creation, and things created by man. We often take photos of things as a way to share them with others.
  • [Show pictures of hot air balloons #1-3.] What is happening in this photograph? What can you tell me about this photo? How does it make you feel? Would you like to be there? Someone was there taking pictures of the balloons being prepared and then taking off. That person knew that others would like to see this. They knew others would appreciate the beauty of it.
  • Here is a different photo. [Show picture #4 of the girl and chicken.] What can you tell me about it? What is happening? [Black and white, no pretty colors, girl is frightened of the chicken, the chicken wants the girl’s food, it is funny, etc.] Do you think the chicken was placed up on the girl’s highchair OR did it get there by itself?
  • We mostly like to take photographs so we can share them with others. When a baby is born into our family, we take all kinds of pictures because we want to share this happy event with others. [Show several pictures taken of their families with new babies.] WOW! You can see how very happy everyone was to have these babies born into their families!
  • God is this way! He loves to see families with new babies! Maybe this is why we like to take pictures of this.
  • Now look at these two photos. Which one would you want to keep or share with a friend? [First photo is a landscape, second photo is of a family or children with the landscape behind them.] Why do you share the second one with a friend? [It shows that we went to this fantastic place.]
  • While we enjoy taking and looking at photos, animals do not have this capacity to enjoy pictures as we do. Take a look at this video. [Show video #1.] Monkeys are curious and will copy what they see done, but they never could figure out how to take a picture.
  • We invented the camera to take photos. Even at a young age there is a feeling within us to take photos of beautiful and meaningful things. We have the capacity to plan the best way to take these photos – the perfect time, the perfect lighting, the perfect scenery.
  • God certainly created us in a very special and unique way! We are able to look at the world around us and take pictures of things that are pretty and meaningful to us. God created us in such a marvelous way!

Suggested songs
God’s Design
Wonderf’lly, Wonderf’lly
Our God is so Big

Suggested activities
Make a picture frame with popsicle sticks with one sticking out to use as a handle – #5. Have the children use this to pretend they are taking a photo of what is within the frame. They can practice grouping others or objects and looking at the grouping through the frame.

#1: Hot air balloons (1)
#2: Hot air balloons (2)
#3: Hot air balloons (3)
#4: Girl and chicken
#5: Popsicle sticks frame

#1: Curious Monkey Uses Camera


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