Artistic Expression
Week 57
We can weave beautiful art using fabric, yarn, thread and other materials
Artistic expression is the use of the imagination in the production of objects intended to be thought of or appreciated as beautiful, as in the arrangement of color, forms, sounds, or words. Only man was created by God with the ability to imagine and then express his thoughts in various creative ways. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the ways that we can express ourselves artistically. (Drawing, painting, music, sewing, etc.) Artistic expression is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.
On the other hand, animals are not capable of imagining or creating based on forethought. It is possible to get some animals to make a picture, but only after they have been trained to make certain strokes using certain colors. Any form of art is not inherent in the animal kingdom. You do not see them creating art in their own environment.
Point to emphasize
We are able to make interesting designs by using paper, fabrics, yarns and other materials.
“And all the women who were wise in heart spun with their hands and brought what they had spun, the blue and the purple and the scarlet strands and the fine linen.” (Exodus 35:25)
Sample content and conversation with children
- Start by telling the children what we will be presenting today: Today we’ll see that we are able to make interesting designs. We can make something nice to look at by weaving.
- Who can tell us what this is? [Show an ordinary blanket & let children tell you about it – show picture #1.] Right, this is an ORDINARY blanket. We all use one when we are cold but there is nothing special about it. Now, let’s talk about this one? [Let the children tell you about the quilt – show picture #2] It is beautiful! How was it made? [Let children talk about it. It would be good if you had patches of material to show them so they understand how the quilt was made-pieces of materials sewn together into a design.] Now which blanket is a work of art? [Let the children say.]
- We can make something so nice to look at because God made us this way. When we look at everything God created, we see that He enjoys color and designs! God is so artistic! And He made us like Himself so that we can enjoy colors and designs.
- Now, at our age none of us can make something as beautiful as the quilt. We can do something like that when we are in out teens. BUT, even children your age can do a type of weaving. [Show picture #3] We can start weaving now and as we grow up we can do other kinds of weaving. [Show pictures #4 and #5.]
- God did not create the animals to be able to make artistic works like beautiful quilts or items made by weaving. You might say, “But what about spiders? They create very beautiful webs.” Spiders weave very intricate webs, even beautiful webs, but they are not creating art, they are just doing what they need by instinct. [Show video #1 and picture #6.] Have you ever seen a spider design flowers or spin webs of different colors? No! They cannot decide to plan out a different design whenever they want to.
- God is so wonderful! He has given us the ability to use our imagination with different sewing items like fabric, thread, yarn, fibers to create beautiful works of art. I am so glad to be created in such a way!
- NOTE: This week I would like you to build something (buildings, houses, castles, bridges). Maybe your parents would help you get the supplies (wood or stones or Legos if other supplies are not available). Save it or take a picture of it and bring it next week when we meet. [Serving ones – please remind the parents before the next time]
Suggested songs
God has made all things, the Creator He
God made me
I’m just too young to drive a car
Suggested activities
Depending on the ability of the group of children you have you can do the paper weaving project (picture #3) or a weaving project using pipe cleaners (video #2.)
- Weaving with paper—Find a piece of cardboard or use the back of a cereal box. Cut one-inch lines on either end of the cardboard. String yarn, twine, or string from one end to the other and tie it in the back. Keep the string tight, but not too close that it bends the Tape the cardboard loom to the table to hold it steady. Cut strips of paper or use ribbon for children to begin exploring how to weave.
- Weaving with pipe cleaners (or thick yarns, ribbon, bric-brac, or thin strips of fabrics) using a very large safety pin (See video #2). Have child place 6 pipe cleaners about a finger apart from each other on a piece of cardboard. Line up the tops at the edge of the cardboard. Tape the tops of the pipe cleaners down securely. Now tape the bottom of the pipe cleaners down. Have short pieces of thick yarns and other materials at hand along with a pair of scissors and a fork. Clip a think yarn in the safety pin and have the child start weaving Over, Under, Over, Under, Over, Under. After a row or two of yarn use the fork to push the yarn together towards the bottom. Let child select another material to weave. When finished untape the top and have the child fold the pipe cleaners over a twig or stick. Then untape the bottom
- Photography Memory—Have three simple items (i.e. cup, fork, spoon, brush, crayon, etc.) on a tray. Show for (5-10 seconds) and then cover the items and then ask the children to name the items they remember. You can add more items to the tray, depending on your audience.
- I wonder what’s that sound?—Play animal sounds, steps, doorbell, etc. and have the children try to guess what the sound is.
#1: Ordinary blanket
#2: Quilt
#3: Children doing paper weaving
#4: Weaving
#5: Child with a weaving project
#6: Spider web
#1: Spider Spinning Its Web
#2: Weaving-with-different-materials