Pre-school Topics, Block 6, Week 53: We were given the ability to create music for our enjoyment and the enjoyment of others

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Artistic Expression

Week 53
We were given the ability to create music
for our enjoyment and the enjoyment of others

Artistic expression is the use of the imagination in the production of objects intended to be thought of or appreciated as beautiful, as in the arrangement of color, forms, sounds, or words. Only man was created by God with the ability to imagine and then express his thoughts in various creative ways. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the ways that we can express ourselves artistically. (Drawing, painting, music, sewing, etc.) Artistic expression is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.

On the other hand, animals are not capable of imagining or creating based on forethought. It is possible to get some animals to make a picture, but only after they have been trained to make certain strokes using certain colors. Any form of art is not inherent in the animal kingdom. You do not see them creating art in their own environment.

Point to emphasize
We are able to create and play music in many different ways.

Sample content and conversation with children

  • Today we will see that we are able to create, play, and enjoy music. We can create music in many different ways.
  • Let’s all sing together [The Bible is **** the Word of God ****]
  • We sing the words and then we have space at the end of each line to make a rhythm of four counts.
    • Let’s all clap together at the same time: 1, 2, 3, 4.
    • Now let’s sing the song with clapping. Follow me.
    • [After everyone is clapping with the same rhythm.] Now we are all going to pat our knees.
    • Now let’s sing the song with patting. Follow me.
    • Now we’re going to clap and pat, clap and pat.
    • The song we learned today goes really well with rhythm. What other ways could we make this rhythm? (Head, shoulders, knees, toes, etc.)
    • Wonderful job!
  • [Storyteller: As you play the song again, you can sing faster or slower. You can do different variations and combinations of clapping and patting. *If you are meeting in person, you can stand, stomp your feet, march around in a circle while still singing and keeping the same rhythm.]
  • Do you know that we can also hum the rhythm? How about let’s do the whole song again but instead of clapping we will hum the rhythm four times.
  • We can also make a rhythm using things we can find around the house.
    • For Zoom meeting: Tell the children, “Ask your mom and dad to help you find some household things you can make music with.” (Inform parents before the meeting to prepare something they can use for this, such as a glass or cup and 2 pencils – click pencils together first then click pencil against glass or cup)
    • For in-person meeting: Pass out some things the children can use to keep a rhythm with. Use rhythm instruments.
    • When everyone has their instrument, say, “Now we will keep the rhythm playing our instrument.”
  • Wow, we can keep a rhythm in so many different ways! You can also sing a whole song using rhythm. And as you keep growing, you will have the ability to learn how to create music in many more ways. That’s because God created us with the ability to create music. Isn’t this so wonderful?
  • We can create music for others to appreciate and enjoy. We also appreciate and enjoy the music that others create. And we can make music to sing together!
  • Now let’s watch this video. [Show video #1.] What song is that, can anyone tell me? Yes, it’s the same song we sang and clapped to earlier! Now that sounds really nice. And we can sing along with these instruments. [If there is time, you may want to sing along with the video and can add clapping and patting and keeping rhythm.]
  • Can animals make music? NO! For example, humpback whales have been recorded underwater making sounds that some people have called complex songs. But, they are not creating songs; they just make a series of sounds with no thought beforehand. They do this by instinct, not by planning it out or practicing it. [Show video #2.])
  • Whales make these noises. But we can sing and learn to play different instruments. This is really music. [Show picture #1 and have the children name the instruments.]
  • All these songs we love to sing in our children’s meetings, someone helped compose them. And we are so thankful we have all these songs that we can all enjoy and sing together; we can make up hand motions to them, they help us learn about God, about how to be proper children, about God’s creation, and so many other wonderful things! I am so thankful to God that WE can create, play, and enjoy music!

The Bible is **** the Word of God ****

Suggested activities
Conductor: one person uses their arm (or a stick) to “conduct” the singing: Sing faster when arm is up, sing slower when arm is down, sing normal speed when arm is in the middle. You can also sing louder or softer.

#1: Musical Instruments

#1: The Bible is the Word of God (instrumental)


#2: Humpback Whale Song


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