Topics, Stories and Lessons – Sixth Grade

Pre-schoolK-1st (Elementary)2nd/3rd (Intermediate)4th/5th (Advanced)6th Grade
Block 1 — The Story of the Universe
Week 1 (9/14)The Meaning of the Universe—God
Week 2 (9/28)The Center of the Universe—Man
Week 3 (10/12)God's Goal for Man
Week 4 (10/19)The Evil One of the Universe—The Devil, Satan
Week 5 (10/26)The Tragedy of the Universe—The Fall of Man
Block 2 — “Where are You?”
Week 6 (11/2)Where are You?—In Sin (Constituted Sinners)
Week 7 (11/9)Where are You?—In Sins (Sinners in practice)
Week 8 (11/16)Where are You?—Under Condemnation
Week 9 (11/23)Where are You?—In Darkness and In the Hands of Satan
Week 10 (12/14)Where are You?—In Death
Block 3 — The Savior-God
Week 11 (1/11)The Source of Salvation—God’s Love
Week 12 (1/25)Christ’s Incarnation and Human Living
Week 13 (2/1)Christ’s Death as a God-Man (1)—Died as a Man
Week 14 (2/8)Christ’s Death as a God-Man (2)—Died as God
Week 15 (2/22)Christ Resurrection (1)—Death-conquering
Week 16 (3/1)Christ Resurrection (2)—Life-giving and Church Producing
Block 4 — The Way of Salvation
Week 17Through Faith
Week 18Through Repentance
Week 19The Act of Believing
Week 20By Being Born Again
Week 21Baptism
Block 5 — How to Contact the Lord
Week 22Reading the Bible (Revised on 3/26/2024)
Week 23Calling on the Name of the Lord
Week 24Prayer and Praising
Week 25Pray-reading the Word
Week 26Confessing Sin
Week 27Singing the Word
Block 6 — The Meetings
Week 28The Church—The Assembly and the Dwelling Place (Revised on 4/22/2021)
Week 29The Church—The Body of Christ
Week 30The Church—The Meetings (1)
Week 31The Church—The Meetings (2)—Home Meetings
Week 32The Church—The Meetings (3)—Young People’s Meeting
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Block 5 — After a Man is Saved
Week 22Reading the Bible (Revised on 3/26/2024)
Week 23Calling on the Name of the Lord
Week 24Prayer and Praising
Week 25Pray-reading the Word
Week 26Confessing Sin
Week 27Singing the Word
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Block 5 — After a Man is Saved
Week 22Reading the Bible (Revised on 3/26/2024)
Week 23Calling on the Name of the Lord
Week 24Prayer and Praising
Week 25Pray-reading the Word
Week 26Confessing Sin
Week 27Singing the Word