Awesomely and Wonderfully Made
Week 82
We should take care of what God has made–US!
In Psalms 139:13-14, David writes, “For it was You who created my inward parts; / You wove me together in my mother’s womb. / I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made”. Awesomely, when translated from the Hebrew, means “with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and with respect.”
Our humanity is precious to God and to us because He Himself wove us in our mother’s womb and awesomely and wonderfully made us. We should appreciate how God created us, male and female. We must thank and praise Him for our humanity and do our utmost to preserve it.
Since there is such a swift downward current in our society today, we must preserve our children’s humanity by presenting to them the truth in the Bible regarding how God awesomely and wonderfully made them male and female. May the Lord use the topics contained in this block to help instill this truth into our younger ones to preserve them from the chaos in our society.
Point to emphasize
We should take care of what God has made – US!
Sample content and conversation with children
- [Show pictures #1-4.] How do you feel when you see these little ones? [Let the children talk about how tiny and perfect each feature is and how it makes them want to hold a baby right now. Ask them about the details of each picture: 5 toes, 5 fingers, 2 ears, etc.] Yes, God made us perfectly! And He knew just how to make you.
- God knew what color your eyes would be. God knew what color your hair and skin would be. [Show pictures #5-6.] Look at all the lovely colors of our skin. [Let them talk about and compare skin with each other. Show picture #7.] Let’s look at all the different hair colors. [Let the children talk about and compare hair color with each other.] Let’s thank God right now for the color of our skin. Now, let’s thank Him for the color of our hair. God made us perfectly.
- Today many people like to add things to their photos for fun. [Show picture #8.] These might make us laugh but they are not real. Nobody wants ears like these. We all want to look just how God created us.
- What color did God use to make hair? [Let children answer. Show picture #9 or you can bring in a fake wig.] Did God make your hair green or purple when He created you? NO! If you needed green/blue/pink/purple hair then, as a baby, you would have been born with that color of hair.
- God created our skin without drawing or words on our body. Our skin is beautiful just the way it is. He made us wonderfully! [Show picture #10.] It is strange to have words and pictures on our skin. God would never create a person like this. Our skin is beautiful without decoration. We should be thankful God made us the way He did. Let’s thank God all together for our hair, eye, and skin color. “Thank You, God.”
- We should take care of our body. We should take care not only of how our body looks, but also take care of the health and safety of our body. Some activities look fun, but we should not do anything that would harm us. We should do healthy things to take care of our bodies. What are some healthy things we can do? [Let children answer: eating good foods, drinking water, brushing your hair, brushing your teeth, taking a shower, walking and playing safely.] Since God gave us such a wonderful body, we want to take care of it.
Suggested songs
God made me
God is so good (You can also add stanza:
God made me so
So awesomely,
So perfectly!)
Suggested activity
Game: “Change Chairs If…” – All children sit in a circle. Ask the children to exchange chairs with another child if the sentence applies to them. “Change chairs if you… have brown hair, have blue eyes, are a boy, have a brother, etc.” If the children are older, they can take turns saying the sentence.
#1: Hand of newborn
#2: Feet of newborn
#3: Face of newborn
#4: Newborn
#5: Hands of different colors
#6: Arms of different colors
#7: Children with different hair colors
#8: Silly picture taken with phone app
#9: Green and purple hair colors
#10: Designs on the face – “tattoos”