Pre-school Topics, Block 9, Week 88: Boys and girls are not the same (3)

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Awesomely and Wonderfully Made

Week 88
Boys and girls are not the same (3)

In Psalms 139:13-14, David writes, “For it was You who created my inward parts; / You wove me together in my mother’s womb. / I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made”. Awesomely, when translated from the Hebrew, means “with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and with respect.”

Our humanity is precious to God and to us because He Himself wove us in our mother’s womb and awesomely and wonderfully made us. We should appreciate how God created us, male and female. We must thank and praise Him for our humanity and do our utmost to preserve it.

Since there is such a swift downward current in our society today, we must preserve our children’s humanity by presenting to them the truth in the Bible regarding how God awesomely and wonderfully made them male and female. May the Lord use the topics contained in this block to help instill this truth into our younger ones to preserve them from the chaos in our society.

Point to emphasize
Boys and girls are not the same (3)

Sample content and conversation with children

  • [Show picture #1 or bring a Bible to show the children.] What is this? [Let the children answer.] Yes, the Bible! The Bible is the Word of God, so it is the most important book to read. Everything in the Bible is true and real!
  • I want to read you a verse in the Bible. [Read part of the verse from Genesis 1:27.] It says here, “And God created man… Male and female He created them.” “Male” and “female” means that God created boys and He created girls. That is it! God made only boys and girls. And boys grow up to become men and girls grow up to become women.
  • [Show pictures #2 and #3 or show a picture of parents the children in the group would know and ask the same question after each picture.] Who are these people? [Let children answer.] It is so nice to see our moms and dads! Now, let’s look at this one again and tell me which is the man, and which is the woman. [Let them talk.] That was easy, wasn’t it? It is easy to tell which is the man and which is the woman because they are not the same. They look different.
  • Now, let’s listen and see if we can tell when a man is speaking and when a woman is speaking. [Play audio #1 or a recording of a man saying something.] Was that a man or a woman speaking? [Let them answer. Then play a recording of a woman saying something or play audio #2.] Was that a man or a woman speaking? [Let them answer.] Now, let’s listen to someone singing. [Play audio of a man singing a line of a children’s song or use audio sound #3.] Was that a man or a woman? [Let them answer. Then play audio #4 or a recording of a woman singing a line.] Was that a man or a woman? [Let them answer.] It was pretty easy, wasn’t it? How can you tell it was a man’s voice? How can you tell it was a woman’s voice? [Let them answer.] Men and women sound different. Men’s voices usually sound deeper than women. And women’s voices usually sound higher than men.
  • God was so good when He created both men and women. In the clothes we wear, in the way we look, and in how our voices sound we are different. That is the way God made us! And that makes us wonderful!

Suggested songs

God has made all things

Whatever God says is true

Suggested activities

  • Games that incorporate concepts of same and different:
    • Sock Matching: Mix up various pairs of different colored socks. Have the children find the matching (“same”) pairs. When working with a group of children, you can split them into 2 teams and see how fast each team can match up the socks.
    • Memory: Bring some memory cards and play a simple game of memory and discuss whether the cards are the “same” or “different.”
    • Find your partner: Bring several pairs of stickers (e.g. 2 red stars, 2 blue stars, 2 gold stars or 2 red dots, 2 blue dots, etc.) and put a sticker on each child’s hand or shirt and have the children try to find the person who has a matching sticker on his/her hand.
  • Guess the Animal game: Let the children know that the sounds they will hear are all animals but they are different kinds of animals. Play recordings of different animals and see if they can guess what animal it is (e.g. rooster, sheep, pig, horse, dog, cat, parrot, lion, mouse, etc.)

#1: Holy Bible
#2: Parents (1)
#3: Parents (2)


#1: Sound clip of a man speaking:


#2: Sound clip of a woman speaking:


#3: Sound clip of a man singing:


#4: Sound clip of a woman singing:


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