Awesomely and Wonderfully Made
Week 84
I know who I am and what I will grow up to become
In Psalms 139:13-14, David writes, “For it was You who created my inward parts; / You wove me together in my mother’s womb. / I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made”. Awesomely, when translated from the Hebrew, means “with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and with respect.”
Our humanity is precious to God and to us because He Himself wove us in our mother’s womb and awesomely and wonderfully made us. We should appreciate how God created us, male and female. We must thank and praise Him for our humanity and do our utmost to preserve it.
Since there is such a swift downward current in our society today, we must preserve our children’s humanity by presenting to them the truth in the Bible regarding how God awesomely and wonderfully made them male and female. May the Lord use the topics contained in this block to help instill this truth into our younger ones to preserve them from the chaos in our society.
Point to emphasize
I know who I am and what I will grow up to become.
Sample content and conversation with children
- Show picture #1 or a male (preferably of a parent or serving one known to the children in your group) as a baby, then as a boy, then as a man. Do the same with a female or show picture #2.]
- Does anyone know who this man/woman is? [Point at the grown-up picture.] Yes, this is Mr./Mrs. ____(last name). I am glad some of us know them. Do you know who this baby is? Or who is the child? This is also Mr./Mrs. ____, as a baby and as a child. [Lead the children to discover that the baby grows up to be a young girl/boy and then a woman/man.] That is exactly right!
- Everyone begins as a baby. A baby girl grows up to be a young girl, and then she grows up some more and becomes a woman. A baby boy grows up to be a young boy and then he grows up some more to become a man. God made us this way! When we hear that a baby has been born among us, we are very excited. But this baby doesn’t stay a baby all his life. We are happy to see the baby boy grow up to be a boy and then a man and the baby girl grow up to be a girl and then a woman.
- [Show picture #3.] What are these? [Let the children answer.] Yes, babies! Looking at these babies can you tell which one is a boy or a girl? No, it is hard to tell at this age, but when you change a diaper, you can tell for sure.
- [Show picture #4 or a picture of children, where haircuts and facial appearance tell if they are a boy or a girl.] Now, tell me which one is a boy, and which one is a girl. [Let the children answer.] That’s right! It is easier because their faces and their hair styles are different.
- God is so happy when we are born, and He is happy to see us growing up. He wants all of us to grow up to be those men and women who know Him and love Him. He made us this way. He made girls so that they would grow up to be women who love Him, and He made boys so that they would grow up to be men who love Him.
- End the time by having each one say, “I am a girl and I will grow up to be a woman like my mom. OR, I am a boy and I will grow up to be a man like my dad.”
Suggested songs
Our Creator made all of the children
Awesome, awesome, awesomely
Suggested activities
- Who is this?: Ask children’s parents to send family pictures with their babies beforehand. Have the children figure out who each baby is.
- How tall am I?: Use different objects to measure kids (cars, legos, fruits, books…) and point out how much they’re growing and what they will grow up to be. (See picture #5.)
#1: Baby, boy, and man
#2: Baby, girl, and woman
#3: Babies
#4: Children
#5: How tall am I? (for activity)