Awesomely and Wonderfully Made
Week 81
God formed you in your mama’s womb
In Psalms 139:13-14, David writes, “For it was You who created my inward parts; / You wove me together in my mother’s womb. / I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made”. Awesomely, when translated from the Hebrew, means “with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and with respect.”
Our humanity is precious to God and to us because He Himself wove us in our mother’s womb and awesomely and wonderfully made us. We should appreciate how God created us, male and female. We must thank and praise Him for our humanity and do our utmost to preserve it.
Since there is such a swift downward current in our society today, we must preserve our children’s humanity by presenting to them the truth in the Bible regarding how God awesomely and wonderfully made them male and female. May the Lord use the topics contained in this block to help instill this truth into our younger ones to preserve them from the chaos in our society.
Point to emphasize
God formed you in your mama’s womb. This is the space within a woman, your mama, where a baby can grow until he or she is born.
Sample content and conversation with children
- [Show pictures of pregnant moms #1-3.] What are these pictures of? Do you know any of these mothers? [From what they answer, talk with them about how these are pictures of moms and their babies, even though the babies are not born yet.]
- [Keep a picture of a pregnant mom up.] Everyone is interested in a mother when they see her like this. Even people who don’t know her will smile and ask questions about the baby inside. That is because having a baby is wonderful! God is the One who made you, the One who formed you while you were inside your mommy. He has been so interested in you from the start. And from the very beginning He loved you and cared for you.
- God formed you in your mama’s womb. The womb is what we call the space that God made in a woman, your mama, where a baby can grow until he or she is born. He made you special. You are uniquely you. On the whole earth there are many boys and girls but there is only one you.
- [Sing “God made me, God made me” with the children.]
- [Show video clip #1 of a belly with baby moving inside the womb.] Do you know what’s happening here? [Let the children respond.] The baby is moving! Maybe the mom is talking or singing to her baby.
- [Play audio clip #1 of baby’s heartbeat inside the womb.] What does this sound like? [Let the children respond.] That’s the baby’s heartbeat. When your parents realized you were in your mother’s womb, right away they loved you. They could not see you or hear you yet, but they loved you and started caring for you. They started talking and singing to you. Your parents were so excited about having you that they told their family and friends that they were having a baby! They were thrilled that you were coming.
- [Show pictures #4-6.] And what are these pictures of? [Let the children talk about the excitement/joy of seeing a new baby.] Yes, when you were born and everyone could see and hear and touch you, your parents loved you so much that they felt their heart just could not contain all the love they had for you. They felt their heart was going to burst with happiness and love.
Suggested songs
God made me
Before God put the leaves on the trees
Suggested activity
Have the children use a paper plate and draw how they think they look like when they were born. Use crayons, yarn, construction paper or whatever materials you have on hand.
#1: Pregnant moms (1)
#2: Pregnant moms (2)
#3: Pregnant mom
#4: Father with newborn
#5: Mother with newborn
#6: Mothers with newborns
#7: Parents with newborn (1)
#8: Parents with newborn (2)
#1: Baby moving inside womb
#1: Baby’s heartbeat