Pre-school Topics, Block 9, Week 83: God made us either a boy or a girl

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Awesomely and Wonderfully Made

Week 83
God made us either a boy or a girl

In Psalms 139:13-14, David writes, “For it was You who created my inward parts; / You wove me together in my mother’s womb. / I will praise You, for I am awesomely and wonderfully made”. Awesomely, when translated from the Hebrew, means “with great reverence, heart-felt interest, and with respect.”

Our humanity is precious to God and to us because He Himself wove us in our mother’s womb and awesomely and wonderfully made us. We should appreciate how God created us, male and female. We must thank and praise Him for our humanity and do our utmost to preserve it.

Since there is such a swift downward current in our society today, we must preserve our children’s humanity by presenting to them the truth in the Bible regarding how God awesomely and wonderfully made them male and female. May the Lord use the topics contained in this block to help instill this truth into our younger ones to preserve them from the chaos in our society.

Point to emphasize

God made us either a boy or a girl.

Sample content and conversation with children

  • [Show picture #1.] Are they cute?! We all love babies! [Show picture #2.] What is this? [Let the children respond.] Yes! The Bible! The Bible is the Word of God, so it is the most important book to read. And right here it says, [Open your own Bible and read part of the verse from Gen 1:27.] “And God created man… male and female He created them.” This means that God created boys and He created girls. That is it – God made only boys and girls.
  • [Show picture #1 again.] Now, having heard this verse from the Bible I have a question to ask. Who decided whether this baby would be a boy or a girl? [Let them answer – GOD!] When this baby was born, did the parents decide that he/she was a boy/girl? NO! Let’s use our outside voices when we say “NO!” Did the doctor who helped deliver you decide if you were to be a boy/girl? No! Then, Who decided? God decided!
  • God was the One who decided. Does God make mistakes? NO! Before you were even born God decided that you would be a cute little baby boy/girl. And we know that everything God does is GOOD! [Make every child a “GOOD” sign.] Everyone has a sign. This sign says “good”. Let’s all say “GOOD” together.
  • Each time you hold up your sign you get to say “GOOD, HURRAY!” Let’s do it together-1-2-3! “GOOD, HURRAY!” [Play this as a game. Make a statement and have children flash signs and say “GOOD, HURRAY!” Example: Everything God does is ______. God made me a boy______. God made me a girl ______.]
  • Did you choose to be a girl/boy? NO!!! Then how did you get to be a boy/girl? [Let them respond.] That is right! God made us a girl or a boy. He loves us so He created us this way.
  • It is really special that we know how God made us. Can all the girls stand up and say, “God made us girls.” [Do the same thing with the boys.] Now, let’s say, “Thank You, God, for making me a girl/boy.” [Have each one take a turn to say it individually.]

Suggested songs
Awesome, awesome, awesomely
Never Forget! That It’s God Who Created You

Suggested activity
What is different? – Choose one child to leave the room and change something about their appearance (take off glasses, one shoe on, one off, barrette, or change part on hair). When they come back in, the other children guess what is different about them.

#1: Babies
#2: Bible

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