We Wonder
Week 23
We wonder why are radishes red, carrots are orange and broccoli is green
[Note: The emphasis in this story is not on the rabbit or even on the colors of foods. Our goal is not to give the answers to the “Why” but to show that the rabbits don’t wonder why. To wonder why is part of the preciousness of humanity.]
Point to emphasize
We wonder about, notice and appreciate different colors.
“He [God] has made everything beautiful” (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Sample content and conversation with children
- Today we would like to talk about why we wonder about colors of our foods. [Have a plate with radishes, carrots and broccoli to show as you speak.] “I wonder why radishes are red, carrots are orange and broccoli is green?” You can then direct the children to realize that the color of food matters to us and that we wonder why foods are certain colors.
- Show the banana pictures and ask, “Which one would you choose to eat?” Yes, the yellow one! Because it looks yummy, but the black one looks rotten and not very tasty.
- Some people who wonder about the color of food grow up to even study food. They become food scientists to find out why food is the color it is. [Serving one – use picture of scientist] We`re truly made in a special way that we can wonder why!
- Ask the children: “What do rabbits eat?” [Let them raise their hand and answer]. Bring some fresh vegetables (carrots and lettuce) to show them what rabbits eat. The serving one can engage the children by saying, “Look at these carrots and lettuce, they are SO colorful and pretty! But rabbits don’t seem to care about the color at all”. The rabbit doesn’t ask questions about the food it eats. It just eats what’s in front of him. Show the following video of a rabbit eating greens:
Rabbit video: https://www.youtube.com/embed/RTCJKi_08nY?rel=0
- I’m so GLAD God made us to wonder about these things. We’re truly made in a special way that we can wonder why!
Suggested activities/games
- You can recommend that children make a fruit salad with their parents with a variety of colors and the children can choose what kind of fruit they want to put in it (e.g. strawberries, blueberries, apples, pears, bananas, mangos, oranges, etc.)
- OR, make a food craft, using colorful fruits and vegetables (see below)
Activities via Zoom
- I wonder what’s that Sound? [Play animal sounds, steps, doorbell and have the kids guess.]
- Indoor Scavenger Hunt: [have the children look for some of the following items]
- Something that goes on your head
- Something yellow
- A ball of any sort
- A favorite toy
- Something soft
- Something with wheels
- Something that makes noise
Suggested songs
God’s Design