We Wonder
Week 25
We wonder where our parents are (at work, store, etc.)
[Note: The emphasis in this story is not on finding out where our parents are but on our wondering. Our goal is not to give the answers to the “Why” but to show that we wonder about our parents when we are away from them, but the sea turtles don’t wonder about their parents. To wonder is part of the preciousness of humanity.]
Point to emphasize
We wonder about where our parents or brothers and sisters are.
Isaiah 66:13
Sample content and conversation with children
- Today we are talking about how we wonder about where our family members are when they are not home with us.
- We are all born into a family. Let me show you my family. [Storyteller, show your family picture and mention each of your family members and how much you love them.]
- It is wonderful that God put us in our families. We have such a close, loving relationship with our family. We spend a lot of our time with our parents and our brothers and sisters.
- We wonder so many things about our parents when they are not with us. But, let me tell you about sea turtles. [Use pictures of a sea turtle digging, laying eggs, leaving and then the little turtles hatching and going to the sea, or use a video like the one referenced below.] What did you just see? [Have the children describe what they saw.]
- Those little turtles never wonder where their parents are. They just go out to sea all by themselves. But what about us? We wonder where our parents are when they are not with us. We know that even though we do not see them that they are somewhere, doing something. So we ask, “Where is mommy? When is she coming back?” or “What is daddy doing at work?” Well, you asked because there is a desire within us to know. We wonder about where our parents are at. We wonder about what they might be doing. We wonder about what they may like and other things that interest them.
- I am so glad that God created me with a sense of wondering about the ones I love so much! Aren’t you?
Suggested activities/games
- Draw your family
- I Spy (I spy someone with very long hair, wearing glasses, etc.)
- What Is It?
Suggested songs
God Placed Me Here
I Love My Mom and Dad (maybe just stanza one?)
Video: Female sea turtle laying eggs, leaving and sea turtles hatching later. [Narrate what is happening.] https://www.youtube.com/embed/zfGh1-ZmjTE?rel=0
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