Pre-school Topics, Block 4, Week 38: We can think of many ways to eat bananas

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Week 38
We can think of many ways to eat bananas

Ingenuity is defined as the quality of being clever, original, resourceful, and inventive. Only man was created by God with the ability to create and invent, especially when there is a need. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the things they sometimes take for granted. We have the ability to consider a situation and come up with a solution or adaptation. On the other hand, animals are not capable of thinking in this way. Ingenuity is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.

Point to emphasize
We can think of many new ways to prepare our food.

Isaiah 55:2b: Hear Me attentively, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.

Sample content and conversation with children

  • Today we are going to talk about how we have come up with many creative ways to prepare our food.
  • Who can tell me what this fruit is? [Show picture #1, or a real banana] That’s right, it’s a banana! Bananas are yummy to eat by themselves, but what I really like is to think of different ways to eat bananas, like banana bread [the one giving the story can insert their own favorite way to eat a banana]!
  • We can think of many different ways to prepare bananas. How do you like to eat your bananas? [with peanut butter, in a bowl of cereal, as is]
  • What other ways do we use bananas? [Have children answer. Use pictures #2-7 as needed] Wow, God made us so that we can think of so many different ways to eat bananas!
  • You know, monkeys aren’t like us. No animal has ever thought of different ways to make their food. No monkey has ever thought to bake banana bread. [Show picture #8] Monkeys just eat the bananas that they are given. Just think about what it would be like to eat plain bananas day after day, meal after meal. That would get pretty boring!
  • I’m so glad that God created us to be able to think of many different ways we can prepare food. We can prepare so many delicious foods with so many different flavors.

Suggested activities

  • If there is additional time, maybe you can show some other fruits and ask the children what ways we can cook those fruits [You can also tie this in with the snack time, and bring some of these fruit products as snacks e.g. “Today, we are going to eat different types of food with apples as part of our snack, can you guess what I brought with me?”]:
    • Apples: apple juice, apple sauce, apples with caramel sauce, apple leather, apple crisps, apple pie/crumble, etc.
    • Strawberry: strawberry-kiwi Capri sun, strawberry ice cream, strawberry fruit snacks, chocolate covered strawberries, freeze dried strawberries, strawberry jam, strawberry jello, etc.
  • Suggested snack, when meeting in person: different kinds of products of a certain fruit (i.e., bananas, banana chips, banana bread, banana pudding; apple juice, apple sauce, fresh apples (with caramel), apple crisps, apple pie
  • At home, during the week, parents can bake banana bread or make a smoothie as a snack.

Zoom activity
What’s in the Bag? Have a grocery bag with some different food stuffs in it. Describe an item (banana, apple, broccoli) and have the children guess what it is.

Suggested songs

Remember, remember, remember God made you.
Remember, remember, that He loves you, too.
*While your legs can run so fast and can hop and skip
Remember, remember, remember God made you.

*While your arms can turn a rope and can throw a ball
*While your ears hear chirping birds and the quacking ducks
*While your eyes see butterflies and the tiny ants

[If singing again after the story, you can add lyrics like:
*While you make banana bread and banana pie]

#1: Bananas
#2: Banana bread
#3: Chocolate covered banana pops
#4: Banana chips
#5: Banana pie
#6: Banana pudding
#7: Banana smoothies
#8: Monkey eating banana

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