Week 34
We can dive deep down into the oceans to see what is there
Ingenuity is defined as the quality of being clever, original, resourceful, and inventive. Only man was created by God with the ability to create and invent, especially when there is a need. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the things they sometimes take for granted. We have the ability to consider a situation and come up with a solution or adaptation. On the other hand, animals are not capable of thinking in this way. Ingenuity is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.
Point to emphasize
We have invented ways to dive deep down in the ocean.
Genesis 1:20-21
Sample content and conversation with children:
Today we are going to see how we have invented things so we can explore the deep ocean.
- [Show pictures #1-3 of scuba diver or 20 seconds of video.] I wonder…What is this person doing? [The children will say…swimming or diving in the ocean.] How can this person stay underwater for so long? [Let them tell you, if needed help them to discover what each thing is for. Show pictures of the separate items needed.] Right, they have oxygen tanks, they are wearing a special suit, a face mask, and they have put flippers on their feet to help them to swim better. See? We were so able to invent all the things we needed to dive into the ocean.
- [Show picture #4 of the boy in t-shirt and shorts.] Can he dive deep down into the ocean wearing this? NO! Could this boy stay underwater for a long time without these things? [Let children answer.] We are pretty good at figuring out ways to explore the ocean. God made us this way!
- [Show picture #5 of a submersible craft.] Look at this! We have invented this craft so that we can go deep to the ocean floor! It is like sitting in a car but it is made to dive deep down into the ocean. How fantastic! Now we don’t just look at the ocean and wonder what is down there. We can go down and find out. God made us in a way that we wonder. One of the things we wonder about what is in the ocean. He also made us with the ability we need so that we can figure out and make the things we need to explore it.
- [Show picture #6.] God made dolphins so that they can live in the ocean. They can’t live for long if taken out of the water. Dolphins are considered to be very smart. They can be trained to do tricks and tasks. But as smart as they are, no dolphin has made something so that they can explore land. No dolphin has ever thought about living on the land. They are just happy to swim in the water, and that’s all they know. I’m so glad that God made us differently from the dolphins. It’s amazing that we can make things so that we can explore!
Preferred Activity
What animal is that? Play recordings of real animals and have children identify the animal sound
Suggested activities/games
“Guess the Ocean Animal.” You can zoom in/show close-ups of pictures of ocean animals and see if the children can guess it (e.g. an octopus, a dolphin, a shark, a starfish, etc.) See pictures below and feel free to add other pictures.
Telephone craft:
- Materials
- Two large paper cups (disposable plastic cups will also work)
- Two paperclips or toothpicks
- Length of cotton string or fishing line approximately 10 to 30 feet long
- Preparation
- Punch a small hole in center of the bottom of each cup (for plastic cups, you might need a nail or other sharp tool, so use caution when completing this step).
- Thread one end of string through the bottom of each cup.
- Place a paperclip or toothpick in the bottom of each cup and tie the loose end of the string around it (the clip or pick is just here to keep the string from slipping through the bottom of the cup).
- Procedure
- Give one cup to your conversation partner and hold one yourself.
- Walk slowly apart until the string connecting the cups is straight and tight.
- Put your cup over your ear and have your partner talk into his or her cup (keep the conversation relatively quiet if you are standing close to one another, but be sure to talk louder than a whisper).
- Can you hear your partner talking?
- Now you try talking into your cup and have your partner listen into his or her cup. Can he or she hear you?
- Try letting the string go slack. Is the cup-and-string telephone still effective?
- Now, keeping your voice at the same level and remaining the same distance apart, try talking to each other without using the cups. Can you hear as well?
Suggested songs
God’s Design
[Can show 1 minute of this clip.]
#1: Scuba diver 1
#2: Scuba diver 2
#3: Scuba diver 3
#4 Boy in t-shirt and shorts
#5 Submersible craft
#6 Dolphins
Pictures for “Guess the Animal” Game:
#7: Activity 1
#8: Activity 2
#9: Activity 3
#10: Activity 4
#11: Activity 5
#12: Activity 6
Picture for the craft:
#13: Telephone Craft Idea