Week 32
We can live where it is very cold because we are able to figure out how to stay warm
Ingenuity is defined as the quality of being clever, original, resourceful, and inventive. Only man was created by God with the ability to create and invent, especially when there is a need. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the things they sometimes take for granted. We have the ability to consider a situation and come up with a solution or adaptation. On the other hand, animals are not capable of thinking in this way. Ingenuity is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.
Point to emphasize
We are good at discovering ways to keep warm.
Prov. 31:21 She does not fear for her household when it snows, / For all her household are clothed with scarlet.
John 18:18 Now the slaves and the attendants were standing there, having made a fire of coals, for it was cold, and they were warming themselves; and Peter also was with them, standing and warming himself.
Sample content and conversation with children
- Today we are going to talk about how we are good at discovering ways to keep warm. What would happen if one day we were looking forward to playing outside but when we open the door, we discover it’s like this! [Show winter picture #1, you could put the picture as your Zoom background]. Oh no! What do we need to do to be able to go outside to play? Let’s think! Is there something we could wear to keep warm? [If extra prompt is needed, you could ask…] What can you use to cover different parts of your body? [Let the children answer: Coat, mittens, hats, long pants, boots. Put the items on or show as they mention them. Then show picture #2 of a child dressed for the snow]. Is this child now ready to go outside and play in the snow? [Wait for answer] Yes!
- Let’s see if we can come up with other ways that we can keep warm if it’s cold outside! What do you think? [Look for responses related to clothing, food they can eat, adjust temperature at home, etc. To save time, do not have them go find things; rather have ready the items or pictures to show as they mention them. When prompting the children for responses, emphasize that they are being clever, using their creativity to find a solution to their need. If carrying out the meeting in person, you may bring winter items like coat, mittens, blankets, socks, even canned soup, hot chocolate packages, etc., place them in a pile away from the children, and have them run, find the item they mentioned from the pile, bring it back, and put it on or show.]
- [You can use some of these prompts if having a hard time getting them to respond]:
- What do you want to eat and drink when it is very cold outside? [Once they respond, show picture of bowl of soup, and/or hot chocolate] That’s so clever! Hot chocolate will keep up warm.
- How can we stay warm when we go to bed at night when it is cold? [Have them answer.] A blanket! You’re a genius!
- What are other things we do or have to keep ourselves warm? [Show pictures of bonfire, exercises, people rubbing their hands, heater]. Wow! We can think of so many ways to stay warm!
- Well, there is a bird, called a toucan. [Show pictures #3-5 while you describe it]. This bird lives in warm places. Do you think a toucan can live in a place like this, where it’s so cold? [Show winter picture #1 or background again. Let them answer] No! There is no way a toucan can keep warm in cold places! The toucan, at most, when it sleeps, it tucks its beak under the feather to keep itself warm. But God created us with the ability to think of so many ways to keep warm even in super cold places!
- [Use a quick song to review some of the things we do to keep warm. Sung to the tune of Head and shoulders, knees, and toes. Use hand motions or point to the body part as you sing.]:
//Beanie, mittens, boots and coat
Boots and coat//
Blanket, fire, and warm soup
Beanie, mittens, boots and coat
Boots and coat.
- Wow! We are really good at discovering ways to keep warm. We are able to live in places of extreme cold because we are able to figure out ways to stay warm. We have a mind that is able to create a way to stay warm AND still have fun when it is needed. That makes us so special!
Suggested activities/games
- Match the socks/colors (Have children find matching socks or mittens from a pile.)
- For online meeting variation, click here for an online matching game.
Suggested songs
God Placed Me Here
God’s design
Just Open Up Your Eyes
#1: Winter
#2: Children dressed for the snow
#3: Toucan
#4: Toucan eating fruit
#5: Toucan sleeping (curled into a little ball)
Picture examples (if needed)
#6: Hot drink
#7: Bonfire
#8: People rubbing their hands
#9: Heaters