Pre-school Topics, Block 4, Week 36: We have invented amazing ways to get around

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Week 36
We have invented amazing ways to get around

Ingenuity is defined as the quality of being clever, original, resourceful, and inventive. Only man was created by God with the ability to create and invent, especially when there is a need. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the things they sometimes take for granted. We have the ability to consider a situation and come up with a solution or adaptation. On the other hand, animals are not capable of thinking in this way. Ingenuity is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.

Point to emphasize
We have made clever and fun ways to get around.

Sample content and conversation with children

  • Today we will see some amazing things we have invented to get around.
  • Show pictures and talk about this invention:

[Show picture #1] Ask the children: Are these people jumping or skipping? [Let children answer: NO! They are walking.] Years and years ago that is how everyone got around. If you wanted to visit a friend down the street you had to walk there. Then one person tried to invent a new way to go down the block.

[Show picture #2.] What do you think he is trying to invent? [Let children answer.] Yes, I think he is trying to make roller skates!

[Show picture #3.] Now someone has made them so that they look similar to the roller skates we have today. [Show pictures of different children’s roller skates and inline skates, picture #4]

  • Next, talk about this invention:

[Show picture #5.] Now what do you think this person is trying to make? [Let children answer.] Yes, this looks like a bike, doesn’t it?

[Show picture #6.] Someone had an idea about how to make a bike, but it took them a while to figure it out so that we have the nice bikes we ride today. [Now show picture #7]

  • There was a time when there were no skates, no bikes, no scooters. Firstly, someone had an idea about making something to use so we could get around faster. Then they worked on it and invented these things so that we don’t have to walk the whole time. And it’s also faster and a lot of fun to go on wheels! God made us in such a way that we can invent many new things! Even today people are still working on ways to get around; we are inventing new things.
  • [Show picture #8] Now what about this animal? How does it get around? If the pig needs to go from the barn to the mud puddle, how do you think it would get there? It just walks or maybe even trots. That’s all it can do and it doesn’t even think about how to get to different places. No animal has ever had an idea and then invented something new. They just weren’t created that way.
  • [Show picture #9] Look at all the different things we can ride! Bikes, scooters, skates, skateboards, mini cars, carts, wagons…and there are so many more. Some of these things were not yet invented when I was your age. But God created us to be creative and inventive and original. This is why we can invent so many amazing things. Do you have a favorite thing to ride? [Let children answer.]

Suggested songs
God Made Me

Suggested activities

  • Pass the clap: The game would be the equivalent to passing the ball virtually. It begins by one person “sending the clap” to someone else. They may say something like, “I’m going to send the clap to…” and call out someone. The other person “receives the clap” by clapping once, and then continues: “I’m going to send the clap to…” The game continues until everyone has passed the clap. Variations can be increasing times they clap, change the clap for a motion like hands up, bend over, etc.
  • Photography Memory: Have three simple items (i.e. cup, fork, spoon, brush, crayon, etc.) on a tray. Show for (5-10 seconds) and then cover the items and then ask the children to name the items they remember. You can add more items to the tray, depending on your audience.

#1: A bunch of feet walking
#2: First pair of skates recorded as an invention
#3: Four wheeled roller skate known as the quad-skate
#4: Grown with Me Roller Skates
#5: First two-wheeled bike
#6: A bicycle with a huge direct-drive front wheel and tiny rear wheel
#7: Children’s Bike
#8: Pig
# 9 Collage of different wheeled things that have been invented for us to ride

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