Pre-school Topics, Block 4, Week 39: We have invented amazing ways to fly

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Week 39
We have invented amazing ways to fly

Ingenuity is defined as the quality of being clever, original, resourceful, and inventive. Only man was created by God with the ability to create and invent, especially when there is a need. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the things they sometimes take for granted. We have the ability to consider a situation and come up with a solution or adaptation. On the other hand, animals are not capable of thinking in this way. Ingenuity is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.

Point to emphasize
We have invented ways to fly.

Sample content and conversation with children

  • Today we will see some amazing things we have invented to fly.
  • Show pictures and talk about this invention. [Show picture#1.] Ask the children, “What is this? Have you ever flown on an airplane?” (Let the children answer) Of course, airplanes are not unusual for us today. We fly to visit family and we often see them in the sky above us. And when we go on an airplane, we take [show picture #2]. And there are always lots of people on the plane with lots of ___&___! (suitcases & backpacks). BUT years and years ago there were no airplanes. We did not even have the word airplane because they had not been invented yet. BUT there were a lot a people thinking and thinking- trying to figure out how we could fly.
  • [Show picture#3.] Finally, two young men had some brilliant ideas. They built many models according to their ideas. They were able to overcome all the basic problems related to flying. Can many people fit on this plane? Do you think it can hold any suitcases or backpacks? NO!! So even after the first plane was invented, we have been improving them so that today we can fly for hours in a plane with lots of other people and everyone can take lots of luggage.
  • Next, present this invention: [Show picture #4.] Now, what is this? [Let children answer.] The helicopter was invented a long time after the airplane. Again, people all over the world were thinking about different ways to fly. By trying many different ideas someone finally came up with a helicopter. Now, this is a hard question. What makes the helicopter so different from an airplane? [Let the children answer. The real answer is that airplanes always roll forward to take off. Helicopters go straight up. Watch the video clip.] Let them tell you the difference.
  • It is really amazing that at one time there were no airplanes or helicopters. But because God created us with brains that can come up with ideas, solutions and new inventions. And even today, many people are still working to improve air travel. This is because God made us in a way that we like to improve what we have and explore and invent the new. No animal is capable to this! They just were not created that way.
  • [Show picture #5.] Now, what about this animal? How does it get around?
  • Flapping its wings is the only way any bird can fly. No bird has ever thought about inventing another way to fly. Birds have no way to do that. They were not created with brains like us. God did create birds to fly but even this powerful eagle can’t fly for hours going from one place to another without getting tired. And even though the talons are big (point out talons), it has no way to carry anything very heavy like a backpack. It just wasn‘t made that way.

Suggested songs
God Made Me
God’s Design

Suggested activities
Make a paper airplane (Folding paper airplane instructions.)

Activities via Zoom

  • Memory game: put 5 items on a tray. Let the kids see the tray for 30 seconds. Then move the tray out of sight of the camera and take away one of items. Show the tray and ask them what is missing. Variation: replace an item with another item and ask what is different.
  • Statue game: Have the children strike a pose and stay very still (like statues).  Turn around and face away from the children (allowing them to change their pose), then turn back quickly to try and catch the children moving.
  • Color Hunt: Similar to a scavenger hunt, ask the children to go and find something of a specific color and bring it back.

Video “Plane and helicopter taking off”:


#1: Modern airplane
#2: Suitcases
#3: Wright brothers’ plane
#4: Modern helicopter
#5 Eagle

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