Pre-school Topics, Block 4, Week 37: We can send a card to someone far away

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Week 37
We can send a card to someone far away

Ingenuity is defined as the quality of being clever, original, resourceful, and inventive. Only man was created by God with the ability to create and invent, especially when there is a need. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the things they sometimes take for granted. We have the ability to consider a situation and come up with a solution or adaptation. On the other hand, animals are not capable of thinking in this way. Ingenuity is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.

Point to emphasize
We have come up with many creative ways to communicate one another, even if we are not together.

2 Thes. 3:17: The greeting in my own hand — Paul — which is the mark in every letter; so I write.
Gal. 6:11: See with what large letters I have written to you with my own hand.

[Note: Ask the parents to give you their addresses, and MAIL a card to all children BEFORE the week of the meeting. Ask the parents not to give it to the children until the meeting (surprise). Include a blank card or white paper (with envelope and stamp) for them to draw a picture to send to someone else.]

  • Include: Sample picture of a handwritten note with simple message: “Hi, _____ I’m so happy to see your face on zoom! Mrs. Betancourt.”

Sample content and conversation with children

  • Today we are going to talk about how we have invented ways to communicate with others whom we cannot see all of the time. [Have a world map or globe to show the children.] Here I have a map of the world. The world is very big! And places can be very far from each other. Raise your hand if you know someone, a family member or some friends that live far away; someone you may not be able to visit or see very often. Where do they live? [Let the children answer, find the countries, places on the map.] That is very far! Now, how do you talk or send things them? [Get a few responses from children: mail letters, send drawings or pictures, phone call, video chat, text message, email, walkie talkie, Zoom, phone, etc. As they respond, acknowledge their cleverness]. We’ve come up with so many ways to get a hold of people, even if they live so far away!
  • You know, animals could never invent a phone nor be able to write a letter to send to another animal. Look at this deer! [Show picture #1 or the video “Ever hear the sound a deer makes?” from 3:40-3:55.] Deer only interact with other animals immediately around it. At most they make a soft sound that cannot be heard very far. You said earlier [draw from previous conversation] that we can talk to someone who is close by or who FAR away by using the phone, or video call or even Zoom! We have invented SO many ways to reach out to others. NO animal could write a letter or call someone up. But we can! God made us so that we have invented ways to stay in touch with others, no matter how far away they are.
  • Actually, we have a surprise for you! [Parents, hand the surprise to the child]. We wanted to communicate with you before this meeting, so we sent something that we hope you have all received. What did you all get? What is it? [Have children show you.] Isn’t that awesome!? We didn’t have to go to your house for you to get this card. How did this get to you? Does someone know? [Ask children to come up with ways for the card to get from one place to another] That’s right! A long time ago, someone invented this whole process: cards go into the mailbox, then the mailing company takes them from one city to another, and even one country to another, and then the mail carrier brings it to you! Have you seen a mail carrier? Ours is very friendly! Maybe you have a relative that does that for a job! [Show pictures 2-5] Wow! I am so happy that God made us with the ability to think of ways to stay in touch with all of you.
  • Why don’t we practice now? Check the envelope that you got. You should have a blank card or white paper. Why don’t write something now to send to someone special? Even if you don’t know how to write yet, what else can we do? [ask children] Yes, you draw! You can draw a picture of your family. Parents can help the children label their drawings, mom, dad, brothers and sisters, dog, etc. At the bottom, add “From our family to yours”, “With love”, etc.:

Suggested activities/games

  • If time allows, during the meeting have children draw together and everyone gets to show their picture before putting it in the envelope. For example, the family.
    • You could trade addresses so that everyone would get something
    • You could send all of them to the same person- eg. special serving one, someone who has been sick, someone who recently moved, etc.
    • Each child could send it to different people- eg. relatives, friends, teacher, etc.
  • Zoom activity: Pass the clap. The game would be the equivalent to passing the ball virtually. It begins by one person “sending the clap” to someone else. They may say something like, “I’m going to send the clap to…” and call out someone. The other person “receives the clap” by clapping once, and then continues: “I’m going to send the clap to…”. The game continues until everyone has passed the clap. Variations can be increasing times they clap, change the clap for a motion like hands up, bend over, etc.
  • Play “the telephone”. Have children sit in a circle. Whisper a short sentence or phrase to the child next to you. Have children whisper the message to the person next to them until it reaches the last person.

Suggested songs
I Love My Mom and Dad
If You Want a Great Big Smile
In the Whole Universe God Has a Household

Video “Ever hear the sound a deer makes?” from 3:40-3:55:


#1: Deer
#2: Children preparing a letter
#3: Children mailing a letter
#4: Mail carrier delivering a letter
#5 Children with mail carrier

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