Week 35
We can fly to the moon in rocket ships
Ingenuity is defined as the quality of being clever, original, resourceful, and inventive. Only man was created by God with the ability to create and invent, especially when there is a need. In this block we will discover along with the children some of the things they sometimes take for granted. We have the ability to consider a situation and come up with a solution or adaptation. On the other hand, animals are not capable of thinking in this way. Ingenuity is a part of the preciousness of our humanity.
Point to emphasize
We can not only build a rocket, but we can also take everything we need for our trip—air, water, food and shelter.
And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, and with knowledge, and all kinds of workmanship; even to fashion skillful designs, to work in gold and silver and in bronze, and in cutting stones for setting and in carving of wood, to work in all kinds of skillful workmanship. (Ex. 35:31-33)
Sample content and conversation with children
- Today we will talk about building a rocket and taking everything we need for the trip.
- This is what we see in the night sky. What do we see at night up in the sky? A moon [show picture #1.] The moon is outside of earth. It is in space. Can you take a car [show picture #2] and go to the moon? No. Can you take a boat? [Show picture #3.] I know what you are thinking: why not go in an airplane? [Show picture #4.] Well, an airplane is not powerful enough to get you to space and even if it could, once there is no air, you could not fly it anymore. To go to the moon, we needed a new kind of vehicle that did not exist. Who knows what it is? Yes, a rocket! [Show pictures #5-#6]
- It is not only how to get there, but also what are the things we need to bring with us. Ok, if you are going to the park, what do you need to bring with you? [Show picture #7] But, if you are going to the moon, what to do you think you have to take with you? [Show pictures after children have said at least two of them: #8 space suits, special shoes, #9 special water and foods, #10 special tools/equipment.] So we needed a fast vehicle powerful enough not only to get there but also a vehicle that can help us bring all the things that man needed to live while on the moon. Wow! That required a lot of thinking!
- I will show you a video of the rocket blast. [Show video of the rocket blast. While the video is playing you could impress the children with how powerful the rocket is. Explain that this is carrying everything needed to provide shelter and food to the astronauts outside of earth. Mention to them that man had to design every little detail of this rocket to be successful]
- [Show picture #11] Camels can travel long distances in the desert without ever stopping to get water. How can they do that? [Let the children answer.] Yes, the camels have a way to store water. The camel did not invent a way to take water. God created the camel to allow them to survive for that long.
- God created us with the ability to invent different vehicles like a rocket that enable us to travel the farthest distances and to take everything we need with us!
- Certainly, God created man in such special way that we are able to do what can be thought as impossible, because we can make and invent. This is marvelous!
Suggested songs
Who Made the World So Big and Round?
I’m just too young to drive a car
People Like to Know How Things Have Occurred
Suggested activities
- Zoom activity: THE NAME GAME
Serving one has blank sheet of paper and a marker. Write on the paper the first letter of a name of one of the children. - Say, “If your name begins with a ___…”
- Jump up and stomp your feet 2 times
- (Continue using other letters, with one activity per letter)
- Tap your head 3 times
- Bend over and touch your toes
- Balance on one foot
- Blink 10 times
- Etc…
- Make a straw rocket with family. You can see instructions on how to make it at:
Video of rocket blast:
#1: Moon
#2: Car
#3: Boat
#4: Airplane
#5: Rocket (1)
#6: Rocket (2)
#7: Park
#8: Astronaut’s food
#9: Astronaut’s special suits and special boots
#10: Astronaut’s tools
#11: Camels